
Sound examples
kitchen studies
Installation and downloads


Program library for SuperCollider. Classes and tutorials on selected methods of sound synthesis, algorithmic composition, and live coding, also see Publications.

Version 0.24 [2020-07-08] contains:
  1. Introduction to miSCellaneous: recommended starting point
  2. VarGui, a slider/player GUI to set environmental variables and synth controllers and to play synths, event patterns, and tasks. Includes a player console, main features:
    • Different player modes
    • Button colors and background colors reflecting playing states
    • Handling groups of players and sliders with modifier keys
    • Supports arrayed synth args and arrayed variables
    • Variables can be set in different environments
    • Latency setting, global and for synth player message bundling
    • GUI appearance customization in size, arrangement and color
    • Allows definition of additional slider actions e.g. for plotting
    • Support of slider classes EZSmoothSlider and EZRoundSlider (wslib)
    • Shortcut build methods with the use of metadata
    • Automatic Pbind generation for sequencing
    • MIDI learn function for slider control from external devices
  3. General tutorial files:
    • Event patterns and LFO-like control
    • Event patterns with functional code
    • Event patterns and array args
    • General enumeration method enum, suited for listing subsets, partitions of integers, searching for paths within graphs, etc.
  4. PLx suite, dynamic scope proxy variants of common Pattern classes; tutorial: live coding with Strings
  5. PSx, Pattern variants with storage of state and values
  6. Event pattern classes for use with effects: PbindFx can handle arbitrary effect graphs per event, PmonoPar and PpolyPar follow the Pmono paradigm. The kitchen studies tutorial contains the documented source code of a fixed-media piece using PbindFx for granulation.
  7. Further Pattern classes (PlaceAll, Pshufn), PSPdiv, a dynamic, multi-layer pulse divider
  8. Buffer Granulation and Live Granulation, tutorials with GUI examples of different implementations (UGens, Patterns, mixed)
  9. HS / PHS, a family of classes for the use of server generated values in pbind-like objects in the language
  10. EventShortcuts, a class for user-defined keywords for events and event patterns, further event and patterns shortcuts
  11. An implementation of sieves following Iannis Xenakis as class and pattern family
  12. FFT pseudo ugens for defining ranges by bin index: PV_BinRange and PV_BinGap
  13. Smooth Clipping and Folding, a suite of pseudo ugens
  14. DX, a suite of pseudo ugens for crossfaded mixing and fanning according to demand-rate control
  15. Idev suite, patterns and drate ugen searching for numbers with integer distance from a source, avoiding repetitions
  16. Nonlinear pseudo ugens: Fb1 (single sample feedback), GFIS (generalized functional iteration synthesis), Fb1_ODE (ordinary differential equation integration)
  17. ZeroXBufWr, ZeroXBufRd, TZeroXBufRd: pseudo ugens for analysis of zero crossings and playing sequences of segments between them with demand rate control.

Sound examples

Granulations of a short sound file, recorded from Buffer Granulation tutorial GUI examples

Source: kitchen sound, mono

Buffer Granulation tutorial, Ex. 2b

Buffer Granulation tutorial, Ex. 2c

Buffer Granulation tutorial, Ex. 3c

kitchen studies

A fixed-media piece and ongoing artistic research project, based on the kitchen sound file from above (work description, sound examples, and exposition in the Research Catalogue), the commented source code of the piece is contained in miSCellaneous from version 0.15 onwards.

Installation and downloads

The recent version of miSCellaneous is available from GitHub ( and can thus be installed via SC's Quarks system or by zip download. The zips of all versions can be downloaded from below:

  • 2020-07-08   SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.11 (latest version)
  • 2020-04-19   SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.11
  • 2019-08-14   SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.10
  • 2018-07-25   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.9
  • 2018-05-21   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.9
  • 2017-11-22   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.9
  • 2017-09-26   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.9
  • 2017-08-21   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.9
  • 2017-03-03   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.9
  • note
    With SC 3.7 GUI redirect is deprecated which was reflected by the 'a'-branch from v0.10 - v0.15. Versions with suffix 'b' existed for backwards compatibility with Swing and Cocoa, this split has been dropped with v0.16.
  • 2017-01-04   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7 - 3.9
  • 2017-01-04   SC 3.5 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6 (last compatibility version with GUI choice)
  • 2016-08-25   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7, 3.8
  • 2016-08-25   SC 3.5 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2015-10-28   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7
  • 2015-10-28   SC 3.5 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2015-05-03   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7
  • 2015-05-03   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2015-02-02   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7
  • 2015-02-02   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2014-10-06   SC 3.5 - SC 3.6  (only Qt with these) or 3.7
  • 2014-10-06   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2014-02-18   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2013-05-05   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2013-04-28   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5.7  or 3.6
  • 2012-08-31   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5.7  or new 3.6 builds
  • 2012-05-19   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5
  • 2012-03-18   SC 3.4 - SC 3.5
  • 2011-12-27   SC 3.4 - SC 3.4.4  or new builds with Qt
  • 2011-08-18   SC 3.4 - SC 3.4.4  or new builds with Qt
  • 2010-10-21   SC 3.3 - SC 3.4
  • 2010-09-18   SC 3.4
  • 2009-11-24   SC 3.3 - SC 3.3.1