Bio – short

Daniel Mayer (*1967) is a composer with a focus on works including electro-acoustics. He is active in the fields of sound synthesis and generative computer algorithms, where he is developing dedicated software. His music has been performed at numerous international festivals of electronic and contemporary music and was rewarded with the Giga-Hertz production prize for electronic music 2007 at the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM). He studied pure mathematics and philosophy at the University of Graz (MSc, MPhil) and music composition (MA) with Gerd Kühr at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria. 2001/02 postgraduate study at the Electronic Studio of the Music Academy of Basel, Switzerland, with Hanspeter Kyburz. Since 2011 working at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, from 2011-2014 scientific collaboration within the FWF-funded artistic research project Patterns of Intuition, since October 2016 visiting professor for electro-acoustic composition. From 2014-2017 curatorial work at Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, since 2016 together with Gerhard Eckel, Marko Ciciliani, and Ina Thomann for the concert series signalegraz. In the winter term 2022/23, he was Edgard-Varèse guest professor of DAAD at TU Berlin. 2023 Habilitation in Computer Music and Sound Art (venia docendi).

Festivals, Events

Performances and work contributions at SuperCollider Symposium 2006, Birmingham, UK; ÉuCuE Electroacoustic Concert Series 2008, Montreal; JSEM / MSJ Electroacoustic Festival 2009, Nagoya; Giga-Hertz-Award concerts 2007, 2008, ZKM Karlsruhe; Electrovisiones 2009, Mexico City; Nuit bleue 2009, Saline Royale d'Arc et Senans; International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2010, New York; ISEA2010 RUHR, ICEM, Essen; Pixilerations [v.7] 2010, Providence, Rhode Island; Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) 2011, Padova; Hilltown New Music Festival 2011, Ireland; EMUFest 2011, Rom; SICMF 2011, Seoul; FILE Hypersonica São Paulo 2012; ICMC 2012, Ljubljana; WOCMAT 2012, Hsinchu; Ensemble Continuum Contemporary Music, Concert Series 2013, Toronto; NYCEMF 2013, New York; ICMC 2013, Perth; WOCMAT 2013, Luzhu; iFIMPaC 2014, Leeds; Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music 2014; InnerSound International New Arts Festival Bucharest 2014; inSonic2015, ZKM Karlsruhe; klingtgut! Symposium on Sound 2017, HAW Hamburg; SMC 2017 Espoo / Helsinki; Elektro Arts Festival 2018, Cluj-Napoca; Fourier-Festival, The Acousmatic Project 2018, Vienna; eviMus 2018, Saarbrücken; MUSLAB 2018, Mexico City; Diffrazioni Multimedia Festival 2019, Florence; Sound Spaces 2019, Malmö; Kontula Electronic 2019, Helsinki; Festival Futura 2019, Crest; Ars Electronica 2019; Convergence 2019, Leicester; AudioMostly 2019, Nottingham; Miso Music Portugal 2019, Lisbon; die Reihe 2020, Berlin; Wien Modern 2020; Festival Futura 2021; Sound Cinema Düsseldorf 2021; Current Resonance 2022, Aarhus, Copenhagen; PEAK 2022, Milwaukee; APNÉES 2023, Grenoble; Ars Electronica Forum Wallis 2023; Sweet Spot 2023, Salzburg; Sound Spaces 2023, Malmö; Journées d'Informatique Musicale 2023, Saint-Denis; SMC 2023, Stockholm; Supersonique 2023, Marseille; Ars Electronica 2023, Linz; Atemporánea 2023, Buenos Aires; MUSLAB 2023, Guayaquil; SICMF 2023, Seoul; APNÉES 2024, Grenoble; Sonorities Festival Belfast 2024; SMC 2024, Porto; Rencontres Acousmatiques 2024, Millery; MUSLAB 2024, Buenos Aires; Speculative Sound Synthesis Symposium 2024, Graz; MUSLAB After 2024, Quito;

Prizes, Grants, Distinctions