Elliptische Variationen
for ensemble (17'-19')PP: Ensemble Zeitfluss, Edo Micic
Graz, Minoritensaal, 2005-01-31
Work description
Elliptische Variationen was the first ensemble piece I composed with Gentlecoord – an interface for Rick Taube's Common Music – which I developed at ZKM Karlsruhe. The algorithms used were emerging during an experimental composition process using different sound sources (external sound module, sampler). Permutations of simple rhythmical patterns, phrases controlled by entry probabilities, and transitions from staccato to legato determine two parts in a fast tempo. They frame a dense choral-like middle part with individual voices that follow statistically defined rules within a mode on changing fundamentals.
1/1/2, bcl, ssax/0 - 1/1/1/0 - 2/2/1/1